Honda CR-V Review: A Smooth and Reliable Ride - Overview

Honda CR-V Review: A Smooth and Reliable Ride - Overview

Reviewed by Shawn Jooste


The growth of the SUV/MPV market over the last decade or so has been interesting to watch. Manufacturers have scrambled to find their place in the SUV market, and we’ve had SUV’s fall into all kinds of niches, from the high end German SUV’s like the BMX 1 we wrote about recently to some far more budget, far less capable asian variants.

Family’s want bigger more spacious cars, for a number of reasons ranging from off road capability to just accommodating a growing family to fitting in with an active lifestyle.

Honda have joined the throng with the CR-V, and they’ve recently given us a new CR-V, which we tested.

Performance or see the whole review here.